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r. passos do amaral

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:38 pm
by ll-c
I couldn't find any evidence for this composer. It MAYBE can be Raymundo Passos do Amaral, cited in O Malho No. 160, in 7 oct 1905 ("Raymundo Passos do Amaral (Itaguahy) — Vai ser examinada, como é costume", in the poem section). In Family search there are two persons (or only one if he married twice) Raymundo/Raimundo Passos do Amaral, but any record has his dates.
His piece "Eugene Profillet" was published in O Malho No. 230 in 9 feb 1907. The person who he dedicated was a transformist (something like a Drag Queen), but I don't think is his relative...

Tools used: Google, viaf, BnBR, FamilySearch, Dic. Cravo Albin