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Wrong file attached to my score listing

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:25 pm
by rayates
I uploaded a score but apparently used the exact filename as an existing arrangement of the same piece made by someone else. A message appeared that said that the previously uploaded file would be used instead. My arrangement is now listed but the pdf file is the wrong file. I tried "Upload a new version of this file" (and included an explanation) but all it did was put up a duplicate listing of my arrangement also with the wrong file.

The page is ... C_William) under the Arrangements and Transcriptions tab.

How do I fix this?

Richard Yates

Re: Wrong file attached to my score listing

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:17 pm
by coulonnus
Rename your pdf file with a very original name and Upload a new version again with it.