- Failed downloads (sorted by most recent failed download date, then by descending total number of failed attempts): http://www.imslp.us/php/failed.php
- Score download counts:
- (sorted by descending number of downloads): http://www.imslp.us/php/display.php?order=0
- (sorted reverse-chronologically by most recent download time): http://www.imslp.us/php/display.php?order=1
- (sorted alphabetically): http://www.imslp.us/php/display.php?order=2 - Download history for a single score (replace file name as desired; sorted reverse-chronologically): http://www.imslp.us/php/display.php?fil ... hScore.pdf
There are some Unicode-handling issues caused, I believe, by the fact that the MySQL database in which the downloads have been recorded does not handle Unicode properly. It's something eventually worth looking into, but I don't think it will pose a major obstacle to the effective use of the foregoing in most cases.
Hope this helps,
Jonathan DePeri
IMSLP-US Server Admin