Boely - Offertoire pour le jour de Pâques, Op.38 has wrong page name

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Boely - Offertoire pour le jour de Pâques, Op.38 has wrong page name

Post by matthewcloney »

The page for the Offertoire pour le jour de Pâques, Op.38 (which is in reality a collection of pieces, the page was named after the one piece since only the one piece as posted and the collection name was not known at the time) has a wrong title, and after some research into publication notices and ect it is apparent that the name of this collection is "12 Pièces, Op. 38" or alternatively (in order to distinguish it from the multitude of other collections of boely published in 12 pieces per collection here on IMSLP) it was also apparently published as "12 pièces dont 6 liturgiques, Op. 38". If someone who has the ability to move pages can do that (since I can't do that for some reason) and get the page name changed, that would be much appreciated.
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