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Am I infringing on something?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:31 pm
by algome
I’m a beginner in all this topic of copyrights, what is public domain and what can I use freely.

(I think what I use is public domain, am I wrong? Correct me please...)

The thing is this:

I have made a composition which I make use of the melody “A chantar m’er...” from the trobairitz Beatriz de Dia; I have listened various versions of it (in some way this is how I grasped the melody of this song), but I wanted to make something about this composition. So, I made a work that includes piano, cello, and flute. The only thing is that I used the image that Wikipedia have of the song as a visual reference to see the order of notes (but not entirely) to guide me on how to write it. The melody I came out with have different rhythm (if in any case the rhythm that is shown on the image has a defined modern rhythm notation?) I altered the melody, I developed, I let out some notes and intermingled with some personal ideas... Is this wrong? If I want to registered by CC BY-ND license? I’m not putting my self as the composer, but the Comtessa de Dia, I only declare what I did, that is based on the theme of the trobairitz. Can I use it to make some income of it?


Another quick question:

If I came across some manuscripts that say that are from public domain, can I make free use of it? Suppose that I found something on the Bibliotèque Nationale de France, or the Europeana library. Can I use it? Because I find a work that doesn’t have copyright, but it says this: “If you use this item on the web or elsewhere, don’t forget to display the following attribution next to it:

Guillaume de Machaut, Oeuvres narratives et lyriques : Prologue, Louange des dames, Complaintes, Ballades, Rondeaux, Dit dou vergier,Le Remede de Fortune,Le Jugement dou roy de Behaingne, Le Jugement dou roy de Navarre, Le Dit dou Lyon,Le Dit de l'AlérionLa Fonteinne amoureuse,Confort d'ami, Le Dit de la Harpe,Pièces lyriques (Lais, rondeaux, motets, virelais, Messe Nostre Dame), Livre du Voir-Dit;Prise d'Alexandrie. by Guillaume de Machaut (1300?-1377). Auteur du texte - National Library of France, France - No Copyright - Other Known Legal Restrictions. ... 1b6000795k

How all this fit or need to be “declared” on a work that I decide to use as a basis material for a work?

Lastly, in general, can I use the music (manuscripts) from Medieval and Renaissance periods freely?

Thanks, in advance, if someone help me clarify this...