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Mahler fans...

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:10 pm
by homerdundas
Copying from CANMUS-L:
We in the Western Music Library are pleased to announce the arrival online of the 5 music manuscripts from the Gustav Mahler-Alfred Rosé Collection: These 5 manuscripts, in Mahler's hand or annotated by Mahler, include some of the earliest songs composed by Mahler (5 [sic: 3] Lieder Josephinen zueignet) and the first movement, scherzo, and finale of the earliest extant score of Mahler's 1st Symphony, analyzed in Stephen McClatchie's 1996 article "The 1889 Version of Mahler's First Symphony: A New Manuscript Source" (19th-Century Music 20, no. 2 (1996): 99-124).

More information about the Gustav Mahler-Alfred Rosé Collection may be found at the Music Library's website:

Many thanks to our colleagues at Western Libraries, Western's Cultureplex, and the Internet Archive for their assistance in making these manuscripts accessible online.
Brian McMillan
Director, Music Library
Western University
Would someone like to upload them here?