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Haydn Symph #94 score error - #6 instead!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:59 pm
by ViolaFish
Hmmm, how does this happen?!! Clicking the link for Score of Haydn Symphony #94 brings up Symphony #6 instead! Ha - perhaps that's the surprise for the "Surprise" Symphony?!!

Re: Haydn Symph #94 score error - #6 instead!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:58 pm
by kalliwoda
You will encounter many different numbering systems by different publishers in the 19th century.
see for example here for a set published by Simrock:
http://musikipac.staatsbibliothek-berli ... 1&cop=:osy
.. and the next three catalog cards.

Its the surprise symphony, and the numbering on imslp now follows the Hoboken catalog. Maybe, a short note "published by Cranz as Symphony No.6" would have helped to avoid confusion.

There are other composers, like Dvorak, where you also will find competing numbering systems, and in the 18th century almost every publisher made up his own count :)

Re: Haydn Symph #94 score error - #6 instead!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:58 am
by steltz
With some composers, and I think Dvorak is one, there were also symphonies that were "discovered" in the 20th century that the composer didn't think worthy of publishing because they were young works. So they had to be re-numbered to account for the extras. 4 becomes 8, 5 becomes 9, etc.

I've added a comment to the Cranz edition of Haydn's Surprise Sympony.